Joe's Jorbs

Find jobs in New York State


- This program has a list of all known job posting webpages in New York State for:

- Counties, Cities, Towns, and Villages
- Public school districts
- Colleges and Universities

- Searches for any of the user-specified job titles

- Limit the search to a geographic distance

- Sort results by how likely they are to contain job postings

- Fuzzy matching allows for slight differences in spelling to still match. Matches must be within two character edits and 90% similarity.

For example: "Correctional Officer" will match "Corrections Officer".

Fuzzy matching will dramatically increase how long the search takes.
Hover over a result to see its percent similarity.

Input Tips:

- All user input is case-insensitive. Therefore, you don't need to worry about using uppercase or lowercase letters.

- User-specified job titles are called keywords. A keyword can contain spaces or any other ASCII printable characters.

- Text in the input field will be accepted as a keyword when the "Next" button is pressed, even if the "Enter" button was not pressed.

- This program will not find job postings if they are synonyms to your keyword.

For example:
A keyword search using "corrections officer" would NOT match a job posting for a "prison guard".
In this case you should input all synonyms at the job title page.

- Using a less specific keyword will help get more results.

For example:
A keyword search using "correction" would match a job posting for a "Correctional Officer". However, you don't want to be too vague because it will yield many false positive results.


- This program is not for browsing all available jobs. It is for finding job postings for specific job titles.

- This program cannot distinguish between a job posting and any other type of text. If your keyword is found anywhere on the page, then it will be considered a match.

- This program does not search other centralized job posting websites. Such as:

 Local governments:
  - NYC

School Districts:
- Applitrack
- NYC Schools
- Online Application System for K-12 Education
- RecruitFront

  - CUNY
  - SUNY

I suggest you search these websites manually to find additional job postings.


Please send any comments, questions, errors you receive, or personal insults to:

Start a search